Significance of the great festival Ubhauli

 Significance of the great festival Ubhauli

Ubhauli (उभौली) is a festival celebrated by the Kirat communities of SunuwarRaiLimbu, and Yakkha in Nepal, India, and around the world. Let’s explore more about this vibrant festival:

Sunuwar people
Sunuwar People celebrating Folsyandar

  1. Ubhauli Festival:

    • Significance: Ubhauli marks the start of the summer season for these indigenous communities.
    • Migration Theme: During Ubhauli, the Kirat people celebrate the migration phase as they move upwards towards the hilly regions when summer arrives.
    • Prayers and Rituals: On this day, Kirat individuals pray to Mother Nature for healthy crops and protection from natural calamities throughout the year 
    • Sakela Dance: The festival is accompanied by the lively Sakela dance, which is performed during the celebrations 
  2. Udhauli Festival:

    • Complementary Festival: The migration from hills downwards to lower-altitude areas is called Udhauli (meaning “downwards”). Udhauli is also an annual festival celebrated by the same Kirat communities 
    • Participating Communities: Udhauli is specially celebrated by SunuwarLimbuThamiYakkhaKhambu Rai, and other Kirati people residing in Nepal, India, and various countries worldwide.

These festivals are not only a celebration of nature and seasons but also a way to honor cultural heritage and community bonds.


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